Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cooking Caused way too Purple too Drop off the Causeway.

This is an example of Lurid Leaders.

mitt Romeney How are you; "out[]side".
i am fine myself. Down in the Business files, i came up with this little nugget:;/-_,

________________, is bei, abell_____

:wrong. is available.

.....Sharp is Ratting him out Right now.

Student; watch carefully. Mitt Romney has his Back too the wall. This means he is forward looking.

(in office talk 2116 students will be ReQuired. They shall be ReQuired too learn this concept;"Tom Seleck is available", as, "wee speake Biffy" in sharp Rollo Dexter.

Monday, November 15, 2010

wen Jibao. do you have any hans who can understand.

;"come-along", or,"roundabout".

miss nomer. i know of a Dawson City miss nomer; a

Saint John miss nomer, and
a Uessa LA miss nomer
are you Ral Eighted now?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Government English for well oiled executives. Luke in window.

_Government English for well Oiled executives._
imperial Their is a Gold
Brick flag on the Field. ][

"meat for Tac ats Program".
"The Poppy SAT red on Wall"
_in or near_, The Old market SQuare,
"The Black as Board green Try Angle i ever
did see".

invoking Peace Calls: Paul Hogan Swiped my fish.
: What do you recccomend?
[..........................] No. it is
"Humming Berta Humming Berta".
"Day of Rest. DOR"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Google raise Zaskin for This one.

N,A,C, or B, before B.C. will get your Hard end copiers Lost in D clause.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

RHonda. Your marks reQuire me to give you a Kash heed warning.

new Command for Dog Language.

The French Doe mei stess;"'",
a visual.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

When talking or writing about yourself, and another person.

You always put the other person first.

if you Dont; then your
selfishness will show through;
and defame your character, or
fail to gain the second persons co-operation.