Monday, February 28, 2011

China. Founding University's. We Charge. $ 3.50 CAD.

if you want another one.
Founded. $ 5.30 U.S.

Till includes Taxes.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Q Exam.

You are the Q-Test.

The X on Monday A.M. Sharp.

The main Reitin u.

This is the Clime 8. Accounting for LiQuidity has The Main Reitin u a new Lease on life..

except for some odd waivable invoices on seaweed.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Personification Language.

Plastic Sir Jerry will
be given his non Essential
Lete. Admit ed Lee this is ______________________________,

$4.oo per Lesson.

The Home is a Temp L.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Peru has been confirmed. for the state admission exam.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mostly English homework tonight.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Stepping down": is a relatively new Challenge format for Presidential aspirants;

it takes six years and Two rounds too complete;
so is a Good exercise for Long term Thinkers, from all fi(n/b)ancial starting Points.

Sorry the Fib, came in from some of our Jung schoolers.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Mystery of the Posessive S forms will be explained.

Business......... Busy-ness is already Plural. a Singular activity would be for those who choose to waste their time away.
Business'es..... (Mexican Business does not like their prefix Ez, too show up in their English).
Business's...... a Business's That only only Posessed one s, would soon be out of Business.
Business'....... Business' is out of Favour in the Business world; although may be
like new, but preferably not used in the,
English; Private University world.

Notice: Favour includes u in British English.

Favor does not include you in American English.

while in Canada , if you pay attention to this, you will be well on your way too understanding some of the Cultural Subltety's.